<LocationMatch “admin”>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from All
Allow from
However, in the above example always remember to change “admin” to your fresh and unique admin login page. Now, as previously I have used “ ” In this article I used “ Mer25x” as the unique admin login page, therefore, I will switch “admin” to “Mer25x”.
4. Require HTTPS/SSL For All Your Login Pages:Every time you use your username and password without an encryption connection, you take the risk of getting seized by a hacker. Banish this possibility by using HTTPS/SSL in Magento.
You can do this effectively on the “System” tab in the main toolbar and by choosing “Configuration” from the drop down menu. After this click on the “Web” tab from the left hand navigation and then select “Secure” in the main window. Here you can alter the base URL of your store. Next, select “Yes” for both”Use Secure URLs in Admin” and “Use Secure URLs in Front-end”. Thereafter, click the “Save Config” button on the top of the page and get started.
5. Use a secure FTP: One of the simplest ways to hack a Magento store is to intercept an FTP password. To block this happening, use secure FTP passwords and FTP-SSL (Explicit AUTH TLS) or SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol).
Now if you want a higher level of security, I will recommend you to use SFTP and a Public Key Authentication. Also, limit unsecured FTP access to prevent unpleasing scripts from creating havoc.
Other security measures that you can take to boost the security of your website are:
• Change your file permissions
• Secure your Local.xml file
• Lock your Magento connect manager
• Disable any dangerous PHP functions
• Disable directory indexing
• Use only trusted Magento extensions
Always remember to go with the latest version of Magento. As they often come out to shield recently discovered security risks in the software. Keep your anti-virus software which is up to date. A secure website is a hassle free website which diminishes a major headache and improve the conversion rate by increasing the trust factor.
Comments (1)
Impressed by the content. Even these are the basic concepts but still we ignore these points most of the time. It will be helpful for the beginners.