With Ocodewire T-shirt design studio we made it very easy to design t-shirt using your own Ocodewire Designer Extension. If you want to increase the customer interest and to make your store better from others you just need to provide this amazing feature to your customers. By using this extension your customer will be able to make changes in the products such as adding colours, text, upload images, upload clip art and add number and name on that product. On the other hand, as an admin you also have the permission to set the price of any text, clip art, images, name and numbers. You can upload the designs patterns for a particular product as preference.
If you have any confusion, how to start with it, we are sharing a Demo video for the same. Have a look.
Top Questions to Ask before you Pick a T-shirt design Studio Extension?
1. Do I really need this tool?
Nowadays everybody is integrating t-shirt design software into their online stores doesn’t mean you need to do it too. First, you need to decide will it be going to help for your business? There is a probability that you are targeting a demographic that is also interested in designing it’s own T-shirts, Then it will be a wise choice too use oCodewire T-Shirt Design Studio Extension.
2. Can you make the necessary investment?
If you want too limit to a specific budget, you need to make sure you can actually afford this software.
3. How do I find a tshirt design studio tool?
You need to make sure that the software has the entire user and admin oriented features that you want from it. To find software that helps users to design their T-shirts is not difficult. Just enter the phrase ‘T-shirt design software’ in Google, and you will be presented with lots of options. You need to make a list of the companies whose design software you like, and test their demo versions. Make your choice based on which one of the software pieces was the most comfortable to work with and offered the most comprehensive range of features.
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